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Ultimate Guide to Inside Sales

In 2021, having a powerhouse inside sales team will be critical to compete in a world in which where we work now matters far less than how we work. Ensuring your team is highly productive, engaged, and connected is more important than ever. With this guide, discover everything you need to know to staff, train, organize, motivate, and optimize your inside sales team.

In this ebook, you’ll learn how to:
  • Identify your key inside sales roles
  • Hire the best talent to accelerate your sales performance
  • Coach your inside sales teams
  • Craft your sales funnel for deeper insight into sales performance
  • Structure your team’s daily activity to improve activity
  • Motivate and incentivize your inside sales team with gamification
  • Build a great sales platform with technology
A good read for:
  • Sales managers
  • Inside sales team leaders
  • Sales operations managers
  • Contact center managers
  • Customer experience leads
  • Customer relationship managers

We’ll be honest: this guide was written before the pandemic, but when we reviewed to update, we were struck by how much the core concepts have remained exactly the same. That’s because what you need to build a strong inside sales team hasn’t changed, regardless of where your team is working. If you’re looking for a guide on how to stay connected with a digital contact center, this isn’t it (although we have that too.) Instead, this guide will take you through the tried-and-true practices of how to staff, train, organize, motivate, and optimize your inside sales team for peak performance.

Who this guide is for

Are you a sales manager who’s new to inside sales? Or, are you already running an inside sales team but just want to polish up your knowledge? You’re in the right place. This was written for sales managers and anyone who wants to build and nurture their inside sales team. It’s also valuable information for sales operations managers who license and deploy software to support inside sales teams.

Why did we write this guide?

We wrote this guide to share some of the insights we’ve collected over the years while developing our own sales team and working with insides sales organizations from companies around the world.

Vonage is one of the leading providers of inside sales software. We’ve worked with hundreds of insides sales organizations to deploy solutions that helped drive higher engagement rates and improved lead conversion.. For example, internet retailer Six Pack Abs cut training time down from 3-4 months to 3-4 weeks, increased the average number of calls made each month from just over 10,000 to 62,000 and increased deals closed per day by 127 percent. We also use our software for own insides sales team to drive the growth of our business.