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How Does Oracle Cloud Integration Improve Client Interactions?

This article was published on August 11, 2021

If you can still count on one hand the number of times you've heard the term "business integrations," you're either living in the past or simply not paying attention. Indeed, integrating everything from office security to communications systems has become a top priority for modern IT. But why? So you can continue doing what you do every day, but in a more efficient and effective way. And by using Oracle cloud integration, you can tether your business phone system to the customer relationship management (CRM) platform your teams use every day, improving both your client interactions and operational efficiency.

Managing Client Interactions

Communicating with clients is both important and time-consuming. There's a lot that goes into each interaction — from updating contact info to compiling call notes — and maintaining truly effective communication involves more behind-the-scenes work than some realize.

What if there was a way to make these tasks easier and less of a drain on your already-busy schedule? CRMs tackle half the issue; by connecting the dots between clients and related business operations, these platforms have revolutionized customer interaction. But while CRMs are built to empower effective communication, they do precious little to actually facilitate it. That's where the integration comes in, and Oracle cloud integration is one way to solve the other half of this puzzle.

When you begin integrating cloud communications with a CRM like Oracle Sales Cloud, the first benefit you'll likely notice is streamlined call management. While it's easy to overlook, the actual communication piece of the sales puzzle — meaning calls, video conferences, or instant messages — requires its own fair share of management.

Think busy-work like tracking missed calls, documenting notes for each interaction, and even simple tasks like syncing new contact information. It may seem trivial at first blush, but inefficiencies here not only waste time, but ultimately lead to less effective communication. When your client interactions lose traction in this way, sales opportunities are sure to follow suit.

When you've got an entire CRM of information about a customer right at your fingertips for each call, you'll find yourself empowered to ask or answer the right questions at the right time.

This is what makes CRM/phone system integrations worth it: making meaningful customer communication effortless. Click to dial the customer straight from your Oracle Sales Cloud dashboard; eliminate lost information with integrated note taking while on the call; automatically sync contact information between all your devices; make following up easy with missed-call pop-ups and highly visible call logs.

Marrying two interdependent technologies ultimately underscores the best integrations. Cloud-based communication and Oracle's CRM simply serve as a great example. That said, simplifying communication management may sound like a great idea, but what can it do for your bottom line?

Oracle Cloud Integration: More Than the Sum of its Parts

There are two ways Oracle cloud integration can pad your bottom line: cost savings and revenue generation. When it comes to cost savings, you'll likely find it manifesting in more effective use of time.

When you think about it, time is the one commodity that everyone shares equally. No matter who you are, you've got the exact same amount as the person next to you; 24 hours each day is all you have. It's what you do with it that sets you and your organization apart, especially in the eyes of the customers.

For example, if you're able to field sales calls on your mobile device with the same CRM support you'd get at your desk, you'll find yourself more productive in more places. Having CRM info such as sales notes, important dates, and contact names pop up automatically with incoming calls on your mobile phone can save you a surprising amount of time.

Your newfound mobility will save you trips to the desk, office, and conference room, trimming even more time in the process. If time is money, you'll be saving plenty of it with an integration of your phone system and CRM.

As for revenue generation, the driving force here is increased productivity and customer satisfaction. As described above, integrating cloud-based phone systems with your Oracle CRM grants employees the increased mobility and flexibility necessary to be productive anywhere in the world, and it also makes each client interaction more meaningful.

When you've got an entire CRM of information about a customer right at your fingertips for each call — or text, instant message, or video conference — you'll find yourself empowered to ask or answer the right questions at the right time. Oracle's unique insight will be effortlessly handed off when using your phone system, preparing you for every customer interaction that comes your way.

In other words, your newfound productivity will lead to more satisfying interactions — and a satisfied customer is a happy customer. And, as we all know, happy customers mean revenue.


Vonage Staff

Written by Vonage Staff