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Our Duty As Leaders

This article was published on August 11, 2021

When we’re leaders, our number one duty is to provide the following:

A Goal – this is the What for our team. What is their North Star? This is the marker that, when met, defines success

Purpose – this is the Why for the team. The Why is what motivates a person. The Why gets their heart moving, evokes passion, and accelerates everything

Perspective – this is the lens that we and our team look through that keeps us sane. Perspective comes from acute and thorough understanding of our What and Why. Perspective comes from knowledge and experience

Clarity – provided by Rules of Engagement and Service Level Agreements in place by, with, and for your teams

Execute – by having the above four items in place, your team can have less friction throughout their day, thereby allowing them to focus on the task at hand and get more done (Isn’t that the goal?)

Action tip of the day: If your team does not have a Goal, Purpose, Perspective, Clarity and their Execution is sliding, take one facet at a time. Get with your team and give them (and your) definitions around these five areas.

For more on this topic, read our whitepaper: How organisations could transform sales performance with better technology investments.

Dionne is a 20 year sales veteran having built and scaled inside sales team from the ground up. She started her own firm, Inside Sales by Design, to work with companies wanting to build their inside sales teams right the first time and transform their current team into something greater. Dionne believes in and uses common sense, practical approaches to inspire leaders and teams to greatness.

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Dionne Mischler